
He Loves Me….

If you have ever pulled off daisy petals, this will make more sense.  It so great that God loves us no matter what!


Where is your focus?

After all the planning I did for my poster last week, this week is the result of an accident.  When I downloaded my pictures, I found these two with a different point of focus.  It made me stop and think.  Some would say one is just out of focus, but it just is focused on a different point.  That can be like us.  We focus on one thing and and God has to get our attention and help us to see the bigger picture.

Hope everyone has a great week.



The poster this week is one that I have been thinking about for several weeks.  I thought about just having a pile of salt, but that didn’t really seem to be the way I wanted to present it.  Then this weekend I came up with the idea of using salt shakers.  Sunday we spent some time in Cambria.  I hunted in the antique shops for inexpensive shakers.

The reason I finally went with the shaker idea is that even though we are all the “salt of the earth,” God has created each of us with unique personalities and talents with which to serve Him.  That is such a comfort to me!

Have a wonderful week.


God Writes

Hope you are enjoying spring as much as I am. Of course, I know that some of you are still waiting for it to show up!

Take a moment this week to enjoy “God’s Colorbook.”

Hope you don’t mind, but I couldn’t resist sending one more this week.  I just love this quote.  I know the thorns are there, but I’m choosing to look for the roses!