
What Counts to You?

It is great to be able to say that there are not computer or internet problems.

I liked the thought on this poster.  It is so easy to focus on our problems and forget to notice the great things around us.  So my challenge for you this week is to keep track of all the “flowers” in your “gardens.”


Step Out in Faith

Little late due to Charter problems.

It is not easy to try something new.  We get used to the way things are and often want to hang on when we should be willing to follow God’s plan for our life.  What God has planned is so much better then the plans we make on our own.
Have a great week.



I took this while I was in Florida a couple of years ago.  The text fits so perfectly.  Too bad I don’t follow the advice perfectly.  But God will help us.



I am so glad that I am God’s child.  He loves us each of us just because we are His!

Have a great week!

P.S.  This little girl was taking pictures of a dog.  She kept telling the dog to say cheese.


Current Affairs

My computer has been giving me fits lately.  The power wouldn’t stay connected.  So it couldn’t charge either.  On Sunday it decided to quit all together.  So on Monday I took it in, they checked it out and decided the problem was the power cord.  It would take three to five days to get a new one.  The cord came yesterday afternoon, so I am now catching up.
I took this picture while wandering around in London several years ago.  I thought the quote was pretty funny and fit the picture perfectly.  So enjoy a good laugh.   But there is a lesson in the week for me.  If we don’t stay connected to God, life can really get messed up.  We need to rely on His power and not our own.
Have a great week, or at least what is left of it.


Seeds of Faith

Things are busy around here.  We just finished the second weekend of the evangelistic series.  Seems to be going well.  I’m working with the kids so haven’t seen any of it.

This poster reminds me that you can’t grow your faith unless you have to use it.  Not always easy, but it will be worth it in the long run.

Have a great week.


God We Come…

Yes this is a day late.  My computer has developed a problem.  Sometimes it works great and at other times it won’t stay connected to the power, and tries to run on battery.  This doesn’t work out too well, since the battery has a rather short life span.  Reminds of how we really can’t live to our fullest potential if we don’t stay connected to Christ.

The poster is one of my older favorites.
Have a great week.


The Splendor…

Today has felt like Sunday.  We have been working on getting rid of more carpeting.  That means we move hundreds of books.  Oh my aching back!  It has been nice to have a long weekend.

This poster just fell together for me.  Once I realized that we really were created to be different and not just defective, it has been fun to use my talents for God.  The world would be awful boring if we were all the same.

Have a great week.


Teacher’s Prayer

I realize that most of you are not headed for your first day of school today.  Yet we all are meeting new challenges today.  I am sure that each of could pray this prayer,  that we may be taught and that we will be open for God to use us to be His teacher for those we meet.
This year I have 14 students, 7 in 5th and 7 in 6th.  It should be a great year.  My prayer for my students is that they will have a closer walk with Christ, that I can be a help in their journey and not an obstacle.
Hope everyone has an awesome day!


Be a Bee

This weekend we took a little time and went to Solvang.  Had a wonderful time.  By this time next week I will have completed the first day of school.
Came across this quote and really liked it.  I have found that being a service for others is much more rewarding.  But sometimes we can loose sight of that as we go from day to day.  God has “written” much of His laws in nature for us to study.  We just need to take the time to look and learn.
Have a great week.