

When I took a break in April, I planned it to be a short one.  Things didn’t go as I had planned and so I let it slide.  My New Year’s resolution was to get back on schedule.  So here we go.

I made this poster a couple of years ago, but it seems so fitting for a new year.   Many of us are taking a look at our lives and setting out to make some changes.  Some will be easy and some hard, some will stick and some will fall by the wayside.  But as I look ahead to the new year, I pray that God will help me keep the resolutions that He has placed before me.  That I will follow the way that He has planned out.

Happy New Year


Hang On

I think God sent me a little visitor this morning.  (I think the cats were the delivered it.)  Leo and I rescued this guy.  He grabbed and hung on to the stick while I ran upstairs got the camera and took a bunch of pictures.  The other three feet were on the ground before he let go.

The message for me was very clear.  If this little lizard can hang on, so can I! The funny thing is that sometimes it is easier to hang on when things are going wrong, than when things are great.  This little guy waited until he was sure it was safe before he let go of the stick.

God has given us feelings and emotions to improve our quality of life.  Of course, on this messed up planet, some of those feelings we would love to do without.  But would we really want to live without the emotions we experience when we see our baby for the first time, witness a marriage of two great friends, smell the roses that were just delivered to say I Love You, or watch this little lizard hang on and gain his freedom.   The answer for me is clear.  I will take the grief and the sorrow but I will treasure the joys, love and awe that I experience.

With that all said I must remember to not let my belief in God be swayed by my emotions but make sure it is founded on trust in my Creator that is there because of a choice to make Him the center of my life.  He knows what is best for me, and I accept.


Face the Sun

I took this picture about a week ago, but finally got it downloaded yesterday.  It reminded me that we do need to keep our eyes on Jesus.  I was going to get it sent yesterday but got busy and forgot.  Now it has just a bit more meaning to me.  Felix, my cuddly cat, was hit and killed.  As I was looking at this picture on my desktop and I noticed the shadows.

All of us deal with the “shadows” in our lives.  They may not seem so bad too others looking at our lives, but we feel each one deeply.  It is so easy to just give up and turn away.  But we have to keep our focus centered on Christ if we are going to make it.  We have to just trust that God will not turn away from us.  The “shadow” don’t leave but we can have hope for a much better future someday.

Hope all of you are having a much better week than I am having.



Yes, I did miss last week.  Just another computer problem.  The power block for it quit and the new one is on backorder.  We finally found  a universal one that works.  But this just about seals the fate for my laptop.  I think it has been taken in at least 5 times in 3 years.  Leonard and Leo have decided that I need to get a Macbook.  I am inclined to agree at this point!
The poster was inspired by the last week of waiting to use my computer again.  I like the way the windmill is ready and waiting for the wind to put it to work.  So often we have a very difficult time waiting for God to let us know that it is time.  In this “instant world,”  waiting for anything seems to be a major inconvenience.  We seem to have lost the ability to wait patiently upon God.  So maybe the next time you get stuck waiting in line for something, “practice” learning to “wait upon the Lord.”
Have a great week.


“No Fear”

Hope everyone is having a great week!  Last Sabbath afternoon we went up the coast to see the Elephant Seals.  Many of them have already left, but there were still enough around to make it interesting.  This little squirrel was down in the middle of a wiener pod.  (A group of “teenage” seals).  There were also a couple of females and a huge alpha male.  This little guy dug around in the sand until he found whatever he was looking for and then sat down to enjoy it.  He totally ignored all the seals surrounding him.

I wonder if we trust God enough to go and do anything He asks us to do?  Or do we give in to the huge “elephant seals” in our lives and avoid situations and experiences that we know would put us way out of our comfort zone.  I know that the next time I want to run the other way I am going to remember this little squirrel enjoying his snack in the middle of a wiener pod.  It may not take away all my fears, but I hope it will help me to remember that when we are in God’s will we don’t have to be afraid.  A little nervous and uncomfortable, yes!   But God has no intention of making us live with petrifying fear.



I’m sure we are all ready for spring  It is great that we don’t have to live with eternal winter.  But that can also be said about life in general.  We go through the rough times, but “spring” is coming.  Often we can not see it in the distance, but we hold on to the promises from God and we will see the “spring”.
So we struggle through the winter of our trials.  My prayers are with each of you.  May you have a great week.



It is Monday again, and yes I missed a week.  I have been very busy implementing the new reading program.  The students seem to be enjoying it, and that is half the battle.

I chose this poster because sometimes it so easy to get caught up with the idea that we need something to make us happy.  I see this with my students especially, but adults are not immune!  I sometimes start dreaming about what could be, if I just had the money to buy it.  I really need to spend more time using what I already have.

This last week I added a library to my classroom.  I thought there was no chance unless I got more room, but with a little creativity, I now have a library are that the students love.

I also find that if I will just turn my “problems” over to Christ, the solutions are ingenious.  So this week I plan, with Christ’s help, to create many bouquets of happiness.  I hope it’s contagious!


It seems hard to believe it is February.  I shouldn’t rub it in to those not living here on the Central Coast, but our weather is fabulous.  It makes school so much more pleasant when the students can enjoy the out of doors.

I have always enjoyed Psalms.  It is comforting to know that God loves us so much.  I just need to make sure that I remember to let God be my shield instead of trying to be his.  Sounds crazy, but I think we all do that at times.  We want explanations to everything so that our God will be logical, instead of letting Him take care of things.

I showed my students a video about the greatness of God.  They were showing the sizes of some of the stars that God has breathed into existence.  Makes you stop and think about how great He is.  I think maybe I had just better wear the feathers and let God take care of the rest.



Just sending a little joy your way.

Hope you have a very joyful week.



Hope this is off to a good start for the week.  I know I have been very busy today trying to make sense out of my house.  It feels good to begin to get things straightened out.  But I need a poster like this sometimes.  We get so busy being productive, that we forget to take time to “play.”  If you ever have doubts about God enjoying play, just take a look at the platypus.  I think it was created just to keep us guessing.

This will be an interesting week for me.  Last week I was at the seminar about the new Reading Program.  So tomorrow, since it is the first day of the new semester, I’m going to start putting some of the ideas in place.  Just a bit scary to try something new halfway through the school year.  They have asked me to be a Lead Teacher for the program in our conference next year, so I figured I’d better get moving on it now.  Please keep me in your prayers.  Thank you.

Have a “playful” week!!!